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28.11.24 Brunei’s literary figures gather to shape the future

​The eighth gathering of Brunei’s literary figures concluded yesterday at Balai Sarmayuda, Language and Literature Bureau, focusing on shaping the future of Brunei’s literary landscape.

The closing ceremony began with a welcoming speech by Brunei Darussalam Association of Writers (ASTERAWANI) Deputy Chairman Haji Jawawi bin Haji Ahmad who emphasised the importance of fostering a thriving literary community and collaboration among writers.

A key highlight of the event was the Reading of Resolutions, presented by the event’s Head of Reporter Hajah Aminah binti Haji Momin. The resolutions, aimed at guiding the development of Brunei’s literary scene, were handed over to Legislative Council member Yang Berhormat Abdul Aziz bin Haji Hamdan, the guest of honour.

In a symbolic gesture, Yang Berhormat Abdul Aziz transferred the resolutions to ASTERAWANI Chairman Professor Ampuan Dr Haji Brahim bin Ampuan Haji Tengah, underscoring the collective commitment to advancing Brunei’s literary heritage.

The guest of honour officially adjourned the ceremony, commending the participants and organisers for their dedication to the nation’s literary progress.

(News & pic source: Borneo Bulletin)

28.11.24 Brunei’s literary figures gather to shape the future